Što radimo?
Strastvena empatija
Planiranje, rad i međusobna suradnja između egipatskih umjetnika i arapskih i inozemnih umjetnika koji djeluju u područjima, bilo kulturnim ili umjetničkim, na razini zdravih ljudi i ljudi odlučnih.
Life Partners
Planiranje, rad i suradnja na razvoju sportskih terena i sportaša iz svih krajeva, bilo da su Egipćani, Arapi, stranci i internacionalci, kao i organiziranje tečajeva za egipatske, arapske i strane sportaše unutar i izvan Egipta za zdrave sportaše i ljude odlučnosti.
Najbolji nastup
Organiziranje sportskih događaja u svim njihovim aspektima, bilo da se radi o turnirima, protokolima o suradnji za razvoj klubova, ministarstava i tvrtki, bilo interno ili eksterno.
Rijetka jedinstvenost
- Organiziranje kulturnih događanja, kazališnih predstava, filmova, umjetničkih izložbi, suvremene glazbe i predavanja o egipatskoj, arapskoj i međunarodnoj kulturnoj baštini za zdrave i odlučne ljude te razlikovanje događaja.
Naš tim

Fares Mongy
Fares established an association with the aim of promoting and developing sports and artistic activities among artists and athletes on local, international and intercontinental levels. Former entertainment manager of Starwood company of Sheraton hotel and former entertainment manager of Plava Laguna croatia Hotels
Businessman, actor and film director in Europe and America

an esteemed Egyptian actress known professionally as Bushra, has garnered significant recognition for her contributions to the film industry. Born on October 5, 1981, her career spans various roles, showcasing her versatility as an actress and a singer. One of her most acclaimed performances was in the film "678," for which she received the Best Actress award at the Dubai International Film Festival. This film highlighted her exceptional talent and established her as a prominent figure in the industry.
Bushra's journey in entertainment began in the early 2000s, and over the years, she has become synonymous with both quality cinema and captivating performances. Her work extends beyond acting, as she has also made her mark as a singer, adding another dimension to her artistic repertoire. Her dedication to her craft and her ability to embody diverse characters have endeared her to audiences and critics alike.
Her filmography includes notable titles such as "Hidden Worlds," "Cairo 678," and "Geddo Habibi," each of which showcases her range as an actress. Beyond her film roles, Bushra's influence and presence in the entertainment industry have been profound, making her a celebrated and respected figure in Egyptian cinema.

Hamza El-Eily
Mohamed Hamza Mohamed Hassan El-Eily, commonly known as Hamza El-Eily, is a young Egyptian actor born in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on January 21, 1983. He studied Law and graduated from the Faculty of Law at Beni Suef University around 2007. Hamza began his acting journey around the early 2001, through the university theater at the Faculty of Physical Education in Minya Governorate. He presented about five shows at the Minya Culture Palace and worked with many giants there, such as: Saleh Saad, Bahaa El-Mirghani. Hamza graduated from the second class at the Artistic Creativity Center at the Cairo Opera House in 2011, after a study period of approximately five years, having joined in 2006. He was chosen by director Sherif Arafa to participate in the film "X-Large". He won the Best Rising Actor award for the play "Donkey's Shadow" (directed by Islam Imam) at the National Theatre Festival in 2010

Cap. Azab EL Shorbagy
Bivši međunarodni igrač Trener egipatske reprezentacije i odbojkaškog kluba Al-Ahly Trenutačno tehnički direktor Interior Cluba Tehnički direktor City Club klubova i Eagles akademije Bivši trener Al-Ghisalija Saudijske Arabije i Fahaheela Kuvajta I mnogih egipatskih i arapskih klubova Viši računovođa u Nacionalnoj upravi za medije Posjeduje mnoge arapske, afričke i međunarodne studije i mnoge studije računovodstva u Ministarstvu financija i priprema voditelje. Sportski komentator na sportskim programima, kanalima Nile Sports, Ontime Sport i Al-Ahly

Hossam Abo Hashim
Dinamičan. Evolucija tijela Suosnivač Eagles VB Academy Bivši suosnivač i tehnički direktor u Oživite fitness klub Bivši suosnivač i voditelj fitnessa u Klub Vlakna Bivši fitness profesionalac u Gold's Gymu Išao na Sveučilište Helwan

Dr. Asmaa Hassanein
Savjetnik za medije

Direktor marketinga i događanja
Glavni organizator SHOWTIME DANCE događanja u Europi s više od 12 godina iskustva u organizaciji događaja. Sportski entuzijast, bivša plesačica, košarkašica i hokejašica sa snažnim podržavajućim stavom prema svim vrstama umjetničkih i sportskih aktivnosti.

Katarina Madaraszova
PR menadžer (Slovačka)
Učiteljica plesa u privatnoj umjetničkoj školi R. Madarászová i voditeljica studija pokreta Dance Arena. Voli raditi s mlađom djecom (4-10 godina), stvara show dance koreografije i vjeruje da ples čini život sretnijim.

Nikolina Jurcin
PR menadžer (Hrvatska)

Augustin Viličnik
Fitness Instructor
An experienced CrossFit coach and gym owner with over a decade of experience in the fitness industry. I have gained extensive experience through numerous certifications, including CrossFit Level 1, and specializations in weightlifting, TRX training, nutrition, and kettlebell training. I lead group and individual training sessions, mentor other trainers, and organize sports events. My passion for sports is reflected in multiple victories at prestigious competitions across Europe, such as the Hungarian Throwdown, European Masters Throwdown, and Zagreb Games. I am dedicated to continuous improvement and building strength, endurance, and sportsmanship among clients and colleagues, contributing to ongoing success within the CrossFit community.
Ali El-Sory
Voditelj marketinga
Voditelj regionalne zajednice i marketinškog tima u Talabatu, Bivši menadžer tima u Amazon UAE, Bivši voditelj marketinga u SITFY
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Cap. Azab EL Shorbagy
Bivši međunarodni igrač Trener egipatske reprezentacije i odbojkaškog kluba Al-Ahly Trenutačno tehnički direktor Interior Cluba Tehnički direktor City Club klubova i Eagles akademije Bivši trener Al-Ghisalija Saudijske Arabije i Fahaheela Kuvajta I mnogih egipatskih i arapskih klubova Viši računovođa u Nacionalnoj upravi za medije Posjeduje mnoge arapske, afričke i međunarodne studije i mnoge studije računovodstva u Ministarstvu financija i priprema voditelje. Sportski komentator na sportskim programima, kanalima Nile Sports, Ontime Sport i Al-Ahly